Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May Edition - Brooch and Corsage

Brooch and Corsage in Alleyya Chic is mostly hand made and designed by Lefi Yusnasari ( @lepiolepio ), we do our best to keep it in good quality with high attention in details..

~ Rp. 25.000,- (excl. shipping cost)

May Edition - inner Alleyaa

inner Alleyya is a full cover inner (include neck and back) that made from spandex

spandex / full cover iner
Rp. 30.000,- (excl. shipping cost) 

May Edition - Cerruti Plain Scarf and Cerruti Double Tone

Cerruti Plain Scarf is a plain (no motif) scarf that made from cerruti which is a material that can create beautiful drawperri and shape if you wear it. It is easy and beautiful to use, MOST RECOMMENDED :)

70 x 190 cm
Rp. 55.000,- (excl. shipping cost) 

70 x 190 cm
Rp. 55.000,- (excl. shipping cost) 

70 x 190 cm
Rp. 55.000,- (excl. shipping cost) 

70 x 190 cm
Rp. 55.000,- (excl. shipping cost) 

70 x 190 cm
Rp. 55.000,- (excl. shipping cost) 

May Edition - Bounching Polka and Playful Pattern

Bounching Polka is a collection of Alleyya Chic that consist of polka dot motives with various colors
chiffon and korean chiffon
70 x 190 cm
Rp. 55.000,- (excl. shipping cost) 

Playful Pattern is presented to all of you that love abstract motives with many colors and motives variations.

chiffon and korean chiffon
70 x 190 cm
Rp. 55.000,- (excl. shipping cost) 

May Edition - TyeDyeFiesta

Tye Dye Fiesta is our costumer favorite, this edition we present you bright and sweet color of TyeDyeFiesta

65 x 170 cm
Rp. 45.000,- (excl. shipping cost)

65 x 170 cm
Rp. 45.000,- (excl. shipping cost)

May Edition - Romantic Symphony

70 x 190 cm
Rp. 55.000,- (excl. shipping cost)

cotton and korean chiffon
70 x 190 cm
Rp. 55.000,- (excl. shipping cost)

Alleyya Chic May Edition

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,

Dear lovely costumers,

This month, Alleyaa Chic is back with new products based on today fashion trends. Insya Allah we do our best to keep our products syar'i ~in line with our slogan "Beauty syi'ar with syar'i style"

In this May edition we improve our quality by adding our tag in all hijab and scarf. .

Bissmillah... We hope that this May edition could please all of you... ~our lovely and loyal costumer.... Enjoy...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Alleyya Chic Goes Online

Menyambut maraknya minat masyarakat terhadap perdagangan online, Alleyya Chic ikut memperluas pasar melalui media online

Beberapa media yang sekarang dipakai untuk promosi produk Alleyya Chic adalah:

1. Blog
2. Facebook
3. Twitter

Hmm, Alhamdulillaah kemarin Alleyya Chic barusan dapat ilmu tentang cara mengembangkan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan media online (atau sosial media). Dan ternyata caranya gak susah loo, hanya butuh ketekunan (bahasa keren-nya istiqomah), keyakinan, dan do'a. Bagi teman-teman yang tertarik untuk belajar, boleh langsung email ke inbox kami yaa..

Sebetulnya pengen langsung share di sini, cuma karena sedikit out of topic (OOT) dan saat ini kami juga sedang sama-sama belajar menerapkan, mungkin lebih baik kalau kami khusus berbagi tips bagi teman-teman yang memang berminat dulu. Insya Allah nanti kalau pengalaman kami sudah bertambah, kami share langsung di sini yaa..

Semoga bermanfaat.

Alleyya Chic